Do NOT Go Gentle into that Dark Night


Do not go gentle into that dark night; 

Rage, rage against the dying of the Light;


When liberals rave against what's Right;

When progressives argue for more State might;

When philosophy rules and facts aren't right;

When love is gone, and hate is might;


Do not go gentle into that dark night; 

Rage, rage against the dying of the Light;


When men are ruled by theft and fright;

When property is removed from sight;

When privacy exists no more,

and "private" is a blight;


Do not go gentle into that dark night; 

Rage, rage against the dying of the Right;


Where tax and welfare trap all men,

and dependence is the plight;

When tax is theft, and theft is right;

When government tells you we must fight;


Do not go gentle into that dark night; 

Rage, rage against the dying of the Right;


When judges lie and court's contrite;

When God's removed from all in sight;

When Government replaces God,

and thus wields all the might;


Do not go gentle into that dark night;

Rage, rage against the dying of the Light;